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Ring in the Holidays with Welcome Christmas Lyrics - Your Ultimate Guide for Festive Singing!

Welcome Christmas Lyrics

Get into the holiday spirit with the lyrics to Welcome Christmas from How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Sing along and spread some cheer! 🎄🎶

Welcome Christmas! It's that time of the year again when we sing our heart out to the most joyous tunes. And what better way to kick-start the holiday season than with the iconic lyrics of Welcome Christmas. This catchy tune has been a part of our Christmas celebrations since the 60s, and it never fails to put us in a festive mood. So, let's take a closer look at the history, meaning, and fun facts about this beloved song.

Firstly, let's talk about the origins of the Welcome Christmas lyrics. The song was written by Dr. Seuss (yes, the same guy who gave us The Cat in the Hat and Green Eggs and Ham) for the 1966 TV special, How the Grinch Stole Christmas. The melody was composed by Albert Hague, who also scored the music for the special. It's safe to say that both of them created magic with their collaboration, as the song has become a timeless classic.

Now, let's delve into the meaning behind the lyrics. The song is all about spreading love and cheer during the holiday season. The opening lines, Fah who foraze, dah who doraze, welcome Christmas, come this way, might sound gibberish at first, but they actually mean Welcome Christmas, bring your cheer. The chorus, which goes Christmas day will always be just so long as we have we, emphasizes the importance of togetherness and how Christmas is all about spending time with loved ones.

But, did you know that Welcome Christmas has some interesting fun facts too? For starters, the song was almost cut from the TV special because the producers felt that it was too long. However, Dr. Seuss insisted that it stayed, and we can't thank him enough for that. Another fun fact is that the song was originally titled Trim Up the Tree, but Dr. Seuss changed it to Welcome Christmas because he felt it sounded more welcoming.

Now, let's talk about the different versions of the song that have been recorded over the years. The original version from the TV special was performed by Thurl Ravenscroft, who also voiced the character of Tony the Tiger in Frosted Flakes commercials. However, the song has been covered by several artists, including the a cappella group, Pentatonix, and the band, The Whos, from the Broadway production of Seussical. Each artist brings their unique style to the song, but the essence remains the same - spreading joy and love during the holiday season.

One thing that makes Welcome Christmas so special is how it has become a part of pop culture. The song has been referenced in various movies and TV shows, including Home Alone 2 and The Office. In fact, The Grinch himself has become an iconic Christmas character, with his green fur and grouchy demeanor. And we can't forget the iconic scene where he hears the Whos singing Welcome Christmas and realizes the true meaning of the holiday.

As we come to the end of this article, let's take a moment to appreciate the impact that Welcome Christmas has had on us. It's more than just a song - it's a symbol of hope, joy, and togetherness. The lyrics might seem simple, but they hold a powerful message that we should carry with us not just during the holiday season, but throughout the year. So, let's sing along to the catchy tune and welcome Christmas with open arms!

Welcome Christmas Lyrics: A Humorous Take

It's that time of the year again when we all start humming to Christmas carols and decorating our homes with lights and trees. And what's a better way to kickstart the festive season than by singing along to the Welcome Christmas lyrics? But let's be honest, the lyrics are quite quirky and deserve some attention. So, without further ado, let's take a humorous look at these lyrics.

The Grinch who Stole Christmas

First things first, let's talk about the Grinch. The song starts with Fah who foraze, dah who doraze which is apparently the Who's way of welcoming Christmas. But let's not forget that the Grinch also tried to steal Christmas from the Whos in Whoville. So, did he also sing this song? Or did he have his own version that went something like Fah who foraze, dah who doraze, except for me because I'm the Grinch? We'll never know.

Christmas in Summer?

Another line that catches our attention is Christmas day will always be just as long as we have we. Now, this is a beautiful sentiment, but let's take a moment to think about Australia where Christmas falls in the middle of summer. Does that mean their Christmas day is shorter than ours because they have more daylight hours? Or does this line only apply to countries where Christmas is celebrated in winter? We might need a physicist to help us out here.

No need for Gifts?

The lyrics also mention trim up the tree with Christmas stuff, like bingle balls and whofoo fluff. But wait a minute, isn't Christmas all about giving and receiving gifts? Why aren't we talking about that? Are we supposed to just decorate the tree and call it a day? Maybe the Whos have a different approach to Christmas, or maybe they're just trying to save some money.

The Mysterious Reindeer

Let's not forget about the line Welcome Christmas, while we stand, heart to heart, and hand in hand. Beautiful, right? But then there's also Who likes Christmas? Who likes Christmas? which is followed by a chorus of Reindeer do, reindeer do. Now, I don't know about you, but I've never heard of reindeer having a preference for Christmas. Do they get special treatment on this day? Are they gifted with extra carrots? The mysteries of the North Pole.

Christmas in Different Languages

The song ends with Christmas day is in our grasp, so long as we have hands to clasp. A heartwarming conclusion, but did you know that Christmas is celebrated differently in various countries and cultures? In Japan, it's customary to eat KFC on Christmas day, and in Ukraine, they decorate trees with spider webs. So, if you're ever feeling disconnected from the holiday spirit, remember that there's a whole world out there celebrating in their unique ways.

In Conclusion

So, there you have it, a humorous take on the Welcome Christmas lyrics. These quirky lines might have gone unnoticed, but they add a certain charm to the song. And isn't that what Christmas is all about? Finding joy in the little things and spreading cheer wherever we can. So, next time you sing along to this song, remember to chuckle at the absurdity of it all and let the festive spirit fill your heart.

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Welcome Christmas Lyrics


Once upon a time, in a small town called Whoville, the people were busy preparing for Christmas. The snow was falling gently from the sky, and the air was filled with the sweet aroma of freshly baked cookies and hot cocoa. As they worked, the Whos sang a song that had become synonymous with the holiday season – “Welcome Christmas.”

The song had been written by Dr. Seuss, the famous children’s author, for his book “How the Grinch Stole Christmas.” It was a joyful tune that celebrated the spirit of Christmas and the joy it brought to the people of Whoville. The lyrics were simple, yet powerful, and they captured the essence of what Christmas was all about – love, kindness, and generosity.

As the Whos sang “Welcome Christmas,” they danced around the Christmas tree, their voices ringing out loud and clear. They didn’t care that their singing might sound off-key or that their dance moves were a little clumsy. All that mattered was that they were together, celebrating the most wonderful time of the year.

And then, in the midst of all the merriment, something unexpected happened. The Grinch, who had been lurking on the outskirts of Whoville, listening to the joyous sounds of Christmas, had a change of heart. He realized that Christmas wasn’t about presents or decorations, but about the people he loved and the joy they brought into his life.

So, he joined the Whos in their celebration, and they welcomed him with open arms. Together, they continued singing “Welcome Christmas,” and the song took on a whole new meaning. It was no longer just a song, but a symbol of hope, love, and forgiveness.

Point of View

The point of view of “Welcome Christmas” is one of joy and celebration. The lyrics are filled with whimsy and humor, and they evoke a sense of childlike wonder and excitement. The song celebrates the spirit of Christmas and the joy it brings to people all over the world.

Keywords Table

Keywords Meaning
Whoville A fictional town created by Dr. Seuss
Grinch A character from “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”
Christmas A holiday celebrated on December 25th
Song A musical composition with lyrics
Celebration An event or occasion that is marked by festivities and joy

Happy Holidays from the Welcome Christmas Lyrics

Well, folks, it's that time of year again. The time to break out the eggnog, dust off the tinsel, and start belting out those Christmas tunes! And what better way to get into the holiday spirit than with the classic song, Welcome Christmas?

Now, we know what you're thinking. Another article about Christmas lyrics? Yawn. But trust us, this isn't your average rundown of holiday songs. We're here to give you the inside scoop on everything Welcome Christmas – from its origins in a Dr. Seuss book to its enduring popularity as a beloved carol. Plus, we promise to throw in a few jokes along the way (hey, it's the holidays – let's have some fun!).

First things first: where did Welcome Christmas even come from? Well, if you're a fan of the good doctor's work, you may already know that the song was originally featured in How the Grinch Stole Christmas. That's right – before it was a carol, it was a catchy little tune sung by the Whos down in Whoville.

Of course, the version of the song we all know and love has gone through a few changes over the years. For instance, did you know that the original lyrics were in Latin? Yep, Dr. Seuss wrote the song as Da Who Doraze, which roughly translates to Welcome Christmas (although we're guessing most people don't know Latin, so the English version caught on pretty quickly).

So, what is it about Welcome Christmas that makes it such a timeless classic? Well, for starters, there's the infectious melody that practically begs you to sing along. Then there are the lyrics themselves, which capture the joy and excitement of the holiday season in a way that few other songs can. Oh, and there's also the fact that it's featured in one of the most beloved Christmas specials of all time – that certainly doesn't hurt its popularity.

Of course, we can't talk about Welcome Christmas without mentioning the Whos themselves. After all, they're the ones who made the song famous in the first place! And let's be real – those little guys are just too darn cute. Who wouldn't want to sing along with them as they celebrate the holiday season with all their heart?

Now, we know what you're really here for – the lyrics themselves. So without further ado, here they are (in case you need a refresher):

Fah who foraze, dah who dorazeWelcome Christmas, come this wayFah who foraze, dah who dorazeWelcome Christmas, Christmas dayWelcome, welcome fah who rah musWelcome, welcome dahoo damusChristmas day is in our graspSo long as we have hands to claspFah who foraze, dah who dorazeWelcome Christmas bring your cheerFah who foraze, dah who dorazeWelcome all who come hereWelcome Christmas, fah who rah musWelcome Christmas, dahoo damusWelcome, welcome Christmas dayWelcome, welcome Christmas day

Admit it – you're already humming along, aren't you? We don't blame you – it's impossible not to get caught up in the festive spirit when you hear those catchy tunes. And if you're feeling really brave, why not try singing along with the Whos themselves? We guarantee it'll put a smile on your face (even if you don't quite hit all the high notes).

So, there you have it – everything you need to know about Welcome Christmas. We hope this article has given you a newfound appreciation for this timeless carol, and maybe even inspired you to belt out a few verses yourself. After all, the holidays are all about spreading joy and cheer – and what better way to do that than through song?

From all of us here at the Welcome Christmas Lyrics, we wish you a very merry holiday season. May your days be filled with laughter, love, and of course, plenty of Christmas tunes. And hey, if you happen to see any Whos down in Whoville, be sure to give them a wave from us!

What Do People Also Ask About Welcome Christmas Lyrics?

1. What is Welcome Christmas?

Welcome Christmas is a popular Christmas song that was originally written by Dr. Seuss in 1957 for the How the Grinch Stole Christmas! TV special. The song celebrates the joy and warmth of the holiday season, and has become a beloved classic over the years.

2. Who wrote the lyrics to Welcome Christmas?

The lyrics to Welcome Christmas were written by Dr. Seuss himself, who was also the author of the original story. Dr. Seuss was known for his whimsical and playful writing style, and his words have become an integral part of the Christmas canon.

3. What are the lyrics to Welcome Christmas?

The lyrics to Welcome Christmas go as follows:

Fah who foraze, dah who dorazeWelcome Christmas, come this wayFah who foraze, dah who dorazeWelcome Christmas, Christmas dayWelcome, welcome, fah who rahmusWelcome, welcome, dah who dahmusChristmas day is in our graspSo long as we have hands to claspFah who foraze, dah who dorazeWelcome Christmas bring your cheerFah who foraze, dah who dorazeWelcome all Whos far and nearWelcome Christmas, fah who rahmusWelcome Christmas, dah who dahmusWelcome Christmas while we standHeart to heart and hand in hand

4. What is the meaning behind Welcome Christmas?

Welcome Christmas is a joyful celebration of the holiday season and the spirit of togetherness. The song encourages us to come together as a community and celebrate the joy and warmth that Christmas brings. It is a reminder to embrace the holiday spirit and spread love and cheer to all those around us.

5. Can I sing Welcome Christmas with my family?

Absolutely! Welcome Christmas is a fun and festive song that is perfect for singing with your family and friends. Gather around the tree, grab some eggnog, and sing your hearts out to this beloved holiday classic.

6. Do I need to know the lyrics to sing Welcome Christmas?

Not at all! The lyrics to Welcome Christmas are simple and easy to learn, and the melody is catchy and upbeat. So even if you don't know the words, you can still join in the fun and sing along with the rest of the gang.

7. Is Welcome Christmas the best Christmas song ever?

Well, that's certainly up for debate! While Welcome Christmas is definitely a beloved classic, there are countless other Christmas songs that are equally as popular and well-loved. But hey, why not add it to your holiday playlist and decide for yourself?

So, there you have it - everything you ever wanted to know about Welcome Christmas lyrics! Now go forth and spread some holiday cheer with this joyful and uplifting song.