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Unlock Your Artistic Skills: Learn How to Create Stunning Christmas Tree Drawings in Realistic Style

Christmas Tree Drawing Real

Get into the festive spirit with our realistic Christmas tree drawing. Perfect for adding a touch of holiday cheer to your home decor!

Christmas is just around the corner, and what better way to celebrate than with a Christmas tree drawing competition? But forget about the usual boring drawings of a standard tree with green branches and red ornaments. Let's get real creative here! I'm talking about drawing a Christmas tree that truly stands out and makes everyone say, Wow, now that's a tree!

First things first, let's talk about the shape of your tree. Who says it has to be a perfect triangle? Why not switch it up and draw a tree with some curves and bends? Maybe even make it look like it's dancing or swaying in the wind. This is your chance to let your imagination run wild!

Now, let's move on to the decorations. Of course, you can stick with the classic ornaments and tinsel, but why not add some unexpected items? How about some miniature animals hanging from the branches or a few pieces of fruit scattered throughout? Don't be afraid to mix and match different textures and colors to really make your tree pop!

Speaking of color, who says a Christmas tree always has to be green? Why not make yours blue or pink or even rainbow? And don't forget about the trunk! Instead of brown, why not make it silver or gold? The possibilities are endless!

But let's not forget about the star on top. Instead of the typical five-pointed star, why not make it a shooting star or a giant snowflake? Or maybe even a unicorn or a dragon perched on top? Get creative with it!

Now, let's talk about the presents under the tree. Of course, you can draw some traditional wrapped boxes, but why not add some humor to it? Draw a present that's clearly a lump of coal or one with a big bow that says To: Myself, Love: Me.

And let's not forget about the tree skirt. Instead of a plain red or green cloth, why not draw a scene under the tree? Maybe some woodland creatures or a cozy fireplace with stockings hanging above?

But the most important thing to remember when drawing your Christmas tree is to have fun with it! Don't worry about making it perfect or realistic. Let your imagination run wild and create something that truly represents you and your personality.

And who knows, maybe your Christmas tree drawing will become the talk of the town and inspire others to get creative with their own trees. So, grab your pencils and paper and let's get drawing!


It's that time of year again, when the air is filled with the sweet aroma of gingerbread cookies and the sound of cheerful carols. And what better way to get into the holiday spirit than by drawing your very own Christmas tree? But wait, you don't want to settle for just any old tree, do you? No, you want your tree to look as real as possible. Well, fear not my friend, for I am here to guide you through the process of drawing a Christmas tree that looks so real, you'll feel like you could reach out and touch it.

Step 1: Gather Your Supplies

Before we begin, let's make sure we have everything we need. You'll need a piece of paper, a pencil, an eraser, and some colored pencils or markers. And of course, you'll need a good imagination and a healthy dose of holiday cheer.

Step 2: Draw the Trunk

Start by drawing a vertical line down the center of your page. This will be the trunk of your tree. Make it thick and sturdy, because this tree is going to be holding up a lot of ornaments.

Step 3: Add the Branches

Now, draw a series of diagonal lines branching out from the trunk. These will be the branches of your tree. Try to alternate the length and angle of the branches to give your tree a more natural look.

Step 4: Fill in the Foliage

Using short, jagged lines, fill in the branches with foliage. Don't worry about making it too neat or uniform - remember, we want this tree to look real!

Step 5: Add Some Texture

To make your tree look even more realistic, add some texture to the foliage. You can do this by drawing small circles or squiggles on the branches to represent pine needles.

Step 6: Decorate the Tree

Now comes the fun part - decorating the tree! Using your colored pencils or markers, draw on ornaments, lights, and tinsel. Get creative with your designs, and don't be afraid to add some sparkle and shine.

Step 7: Don't Forget the Presents

No Christmas tree is complete without a pile of presents beneath it. Draw some boxes wrapped in colorful paper, tied with ribbon and bows.

Step 8: Add Some Final Touches

Take a step back and look at your masterpiece. Is there anything else you can add to make it even better? Maybe some snowflakes falling in the background, or a star on top of the tree. Whatever it is, go ahead and add it in.

Step 9: Stand Back and Admire Your Work

Now that your tree is complete, take a moment to appreciate all the hard work you put into it. You've created a beautiful piece of art that captures the essence of the holiday season.


Drawing a Christmas tree that looks real may seem like a daunting task, but with a little patience and creativity, anyone can do it. So grab your supplies, put on some holiday music, and get to work! And who knows, maybe your drawing will become a cherished family keepsake for years to come. Happy holidays!

My Interpretation of a Christmas Tree Drawing Real

Imagine a Christmas tree drawn by a 5-year-old...yep, that's what you're getting. But don't worry, it's intentional. I call it: Festive Palm Tree.

The Charlie Brown Christmas Tree's less confident cousin

It's not every day that you come across a Christmas tree drawing that makes you think, Wow, I swear it's not a stick figure! But that's exactly what my masterpiece does. It's like the Charlie Brown Christmas Tree's less confident cousin - you know, the one that's still trying to find its place in the world.

If Picasso Drew a Christmas Tree

Just when you thought you've seen every kind of Christmas tree, my interpretation of Van Gogh's Starry Night, but with a tree, comes along. It's not a mistake, it's art. If Picasso drew a Christmas tree, this is what it would look like - abstract and confusing, yet somehow still beautiful.

Minimalist Approach

I was going for a minimalist approach...emphasis on approach. This tree only looks like it's melting a little bit, I swear. It's like a snowman that's been left out in the sun for too long and is now slightly slumped over. But hey, at least it's still standing, right?

It's Not a Mistake, It's Art

Some may say that my Christmas tree drawing is a mistake, but I beg to differ. It's not a mistake, it's art. And just because it doesn't look like the perfectly symmetrical, cookie-cutter trees that you see in every store window doesn't mean it's any less festive.

So go ahead, hang up your stockings and deck the halls with boughs of holly. And when it comes time to draw your own Christmas tree, don't be afraid to think outside the box. Because sometimes, the most unconventional creations are the ones that bring the most joy.

The Tale of the Christmas Tree Drawing Real

Once upon a time, in a small town filled with cheerful people, there was a group of kids who were eagerly waiting for Christmas to arrive. They all decided to participate in a Christmas Drawing Contest that was going to be held at the town hall. These kids were excited and couldn't wait to show off their artistic skills.

A Twist in the Story

One of the kids, named Timmy, had a unique idea for his drawing. He decided to draw a real-life Christmas tree, instead of a traditional drawing of a decorated tree. His friends thought he was crazy, but Timmy was determined to make it happen.

The Big Day

The day of the contest arrived, and all the kids gathered at the town hall. Timmy's friends were curious to see what he had created. When it was time for Timmy to present his drawing, he pulled out a small sapling and placed it on the table.

Behold, my Christmas tree drawing real! exclaimed Timmy, proudly.

Everyone was shocked and amazed. The judges were impressed by Timmy's creativity and awarded him first place. Timmy's friends were happy for him, but they couldn't stop laughing at the absurdity of his idea.

The Aftermath

After the contest, Timmy brought his sapling back home and planted it in his backyard. His parents were proud of him and encouraged him to take care of the tree. Over the next few years, the tree grew taller and fuller, and soon it became the centerpiece of their family's Christmas celebrations.

Years went by, and Timmy grew up and moved away to start his own family. But every year, he would come back home with his wife and kids to celebrate Christmas with his parents and their beloved Christmas tree drawing real.

Table Information

Keywords Description
Christmas Drawing Contest An art contest held during the Christmas season for kids to showcase their artistic skills and creativity.
Real-life Christmas Tree A sapling planted by Timmy that he presented as his Christmas tree drawing real at the contest.
Creativity The ability to think outside the box and come up with unique ideas.
Family Tradition The annual celebration of Christmas with Timmy's parents and their beloved Christmas tree drawing real.

Conclusion: Let's Draw a Real Christmas Tree (Without the Hassle!)

Well, folks, we've reached the end of our blog post on drawing a real Christmas tree. Hopefully, you've found some useful tips and tricks here to help you create a festive masterpiece that will wow your friends and family.

But let's be real for a second - drawing a real Christmas tree can be a real hassle. All those branches, all those needles, all that pine sap...who needs it, right?

So if you're feeling a little overwhelmed by the idea of drawing a real tree, why not try something a little different this year? Maybe a paper tree, or a felt tree, or a tree made out of recycled materials. Get creative!

Or, if you're really set on drawing a real tree, why not cheat a little bit? Find a photo online and trace it onto your paper. No one has to know!

Whatever you decide to do, just remember - Christmas is all about having fun and being creative. So don't stress too much about getting everything perfect. Just enjoy the process and let your imagination run wild!

And if all else fails, there's always the option of buying a pre-decorated artificial tree. Hey, we won't judge!

So from all of us here at [Blog Name], we wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year. May your holiday season be filled with joy, laughter, and lots of beautifully drawn Christmas trees!

People Also Ask About Christmas Tree Drawing Real

How can I draw a realistic Christmas tree?

To draw a realistic Christmas tree, start with the trunk and add branches that get progressively smaller as you move upwards. Remember to add texture by using short, jagged lines for the needles. And don't forget the decorations!

Do I have to be an artist to draw a Christmas tree?

No, you don't have to be an artist to draw a Christmas tree. Just use basic shapes like triangles and circles to create the outline, then add details like branches and ornaments.

What if my Christmas tree drawing doesn't look good?

Don't worry if your Christmas tree drawing doesn't look perfect. Remember, it's the effort that counts! Plus, you can always add more decorations to cover up any mistakes.

Can I use crayons or markers instead of pencils?

Yes, you can use crayons or markers instead of pencils to draw your Christmas tree. Just make sure to choose colors that are appropriate for a tree, like green and brown.

Is it okay to make my Christmas tree drawing silly or funny?

Absolutely! It's your drawing, so you can make it as silly or funny as you want. Maybe your tree has a mustache or is wearing a hat. Let your creativity run wild!

Should I draw presents under the tree?

Adding presents under the tree is a great way to make your drawing more festive. You can draw them as simple boxes or get creative and add bows and wrapping paper.

What if I want to draw a different type of tree?

There's no rule that says you have to draw a Christmas tree. You can draw any type of tree you want! Just make sure to add decorations and other details that fit the theme.

  • Remember to start with the trunk and add branches that get progressively smaller
  • Use short, jagged lines for the needles to add texture
  • Don't worry if it doesn't look perfect – it's the effort that counts!
  • Choose colors that are appropriate for a tree, like green and brown
  • Let your creativity run wild and make it as silly or funny as you want
  • Add presents under the tree to make it more festive
  • You can draw any type of tree you want – just make sure to add decorations and other details that fit the theme