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Sally Doll from Nightmare Before Christmas: A Must-Have Collectible for Fans and Enthusiasts

Sally Doll Nightmare Before Christmas

Sally Doll from Nightmare Before Christmas is a lovable, rag-doll character who possesses the ability to remove her limbs and sew them back together.

The Nightmare Before Christmas is a movie that has captured the hearts of many since its release in 1993. One of the most beloved characters in the movie is Sally, the ragdoll who has a crush on Jack Skellington. Sally is a fan favorite not only for her sweet demeanor but also for her unique appearance and quirky personality. However, what many fans may not know is that Sally's creation was not all sunshine and rainbows. In fact, her story is quite the nightmare.

When Tim Burton originally came up with the concept for The Nightmare Before Christmas, Sally was not a part of the storyline. It wasn't until writer Caroline Thompson suggested a love interest for Jack that Sally was born. But even then, Sally's creation was not easy sailing.

Firstly, Sally's design went through several revisions before settling on the final look we see in the movie. At one point, she was even supposed to have a detachable arm that she could use as a weapon. Can you imagine Sally going around like a ragdoll version of Inspector Gadget?

Secondly, Sally's movements were incredibly difficult to animate. Due to her ragdoll body, the animators had to create a special rig that allowed them to move her limbs in a realistic way. This made Sally one of the most technically challenging characters to animate in the entire movie.

Despite the challenges, Sally quickly became a fan favorite. Her awkwardness and shyness resonated with audiences, making her relatable and endearing. But it wasn't just her personality that made her stand out.

Sally's appearance is also one of the most unique in the movie. Her patchwork dress and stitched-together body make her instantly recognizable. Plus, her bright red hair and big green eyes make her stand out in a sea of dark colors and spooky creatures.

However, it's not just Sally's appearance that makes her memorable. It's also her relationship with Jack. While Jack is initially oblivious to Sally's feelings towards him, he eventually comes to appreciate her and even risk his life to save her from Oogie Boogie.

But what if things had gone differently? What if Sally had never been created?

For starters, we wouldn't have one of the most iconic love stories in a Halloween movie. Jack and Sally's romance adds heart to the movie, making it more than just a spooky animated flick.

Secondly, Sally's absence would leave a noticeable hole in the movie's cast of characters. She brings a certain sweetness and vulnerability to the story that is sorely needed among all the ghouls and ghosts.

Lastly, we wouldn't have one of the most popular Halloween costumes of all time. Sally's unique appearance has made her a popular choice for Halloween, with fans recreating her patchwork dress and red hair every year.

Overall, Sally may have had a nightmare of a creation process, but she has become one of the most beloved characters in The Nightmare Before Christmas. Her unique appearance, quirky personality, and romantic storyline have made her an integral part of the movie's success.


Have you ever heard of Sally Doll from The Nightmare Before Christmas? Well, let me tell you, she may seem innocent and cute, but she is the stuff of nightmares. You may think I'm exaggerating, but let me tell you about my personal experience with this twisted little doll.

The Gift

It all started when my friend gifted me a Sally Doll for my birthday. At first, I was thrilled. Who wouldn't want a cute little doll from one of their favorite movies? I put her on my dresser and went to bed, thinking nothing of it.

The Dream

That night, I had a dream that Sally came to life. She started walking around my room, and I thought it was adorable. But then she started cackling like a maniac, and her eyes turned red. Suddenly, she pulled out a knife and started chasing me around the room. I woke up in a cold sweat and couldn't shake the feeling that Sally was watching me.

The Mischief

Over the next few days, strange things started happening around the house. Objects would move, doors would slam shut, and I would hear strange noises in the middle of the night. I knew it was Sally's doing; she was playing tricks on me.

The Possession

One night, as I was getting ready for bed, I saw Sally move out of the corner of my eye. I turned to look at her, and she was staring back at me with those creepy button eyes. Suddenly, she lunged at me, and before I knew it, she was inside my body. I was possessed by Sally Doll.

The Chaos

Once Sally took control, all hell broke loose. I started speaking in tongues, throwing objects, and causing chaos around the house. My friends and family were terrified, but I couldn't do anything to stop it. Sally was in charge.

The Exorcism

Finally, my friend who gifted me the doll realized what was happening and called in a priest for an exorcism. It was a long and grueling process, but eventually, Sally was expelled from my body.

The Aftermath

After that experience, I couldn't even look at a Sally Doll without feeling a shiver down my spine. I got rid of the doll and haven't looked back since. But I still have nightmares about her, and sometimes I swear I can hear her cackling in the distance.

The Lesson

The moral of the story is, be careful what you bring into your home. You never know what kind of evil spirits could be attached to seemingly harmless objects. And if you do happen to come across a Sally Doll, run far, far away.

The End

In conclusion, Sally Doll may seem like a sweet and innocent character from The Nightmare Before Christmas, but she is anything but. She is a twisted little doll that will stop at nothing to cause chaos and destruction. Beware of Sally Doll, or suffer the consequences.

The Twisted Tale of Sally's Existence

Have you ever heard of Sally Doll from Nightmare Before Christmas? Oh, she's a doll that's quite a scream! But this Sally is not so sweet, folks. In fact, she's the stuff of nightmares.

A Creepy Companion for Your Collection

Now, I know some of you might be thinking, Why we're having nightmares about Sally? Well, let me tell you, it's not just because of her eerie appearance. It's also because of her story.

This Sally is not your typical doll. She wasn't made in a factory or crafted by a loving grandmother. No, Sally was created by Dr. Finkelstein, a mad scientist with a penchant for experimentation. He sewed Sally together from pieces of other dolls and gave her a brain made from deadly nightshade.

Sally's Got Some Serious Spooks

But wait, it gets even spookier. Sally is in love with Jack Skellington, the Pumpkin King, and dreams of being with him. However, her attempts to help him with his Christmas plan go awry, and she ends up being captured by Oogie Boogie, a villainous sack of bugs.

After being rescued by Jack, Sally finally confesses her love to him. In the end, they end up together, but man oh man, what a twisted love story.

Why We Wouldn't Want Sally in Our Bed

So, why wouldn't we want Sally in our bed? Well, for starters, she's made of stitched-together parts and has a brain that could kill you. Plus, she's prone to having premonitions of danger, which would definitely make for a restless night's sleep.

And let's not forget her creepy crawlies of a boyfriend, Jack. I mean, can you really trust a guy who lives in Halloween Town and tries to take over Christmas?

Sally's Story Will Make Your Skin Crawl

All in all, Sally Doll is not for the faint of heart. Her story is unsettling, her appearance is eerie, and her love life is downright disturbing. But if you're a fan of the macabre and enjoy having your skin crawl, then Sally might just be the perfect addition to your collection.

So go ahead, embrace the darkness and add this creepy companion to your shelf. Just don't say we didn't warn you.

Sally Doll Nightmare Before Christmas

The Tale of Sally Doll

Once upon a time, in the spooky town of Halloween, there lived a rag doll named Sally. She was created by Dr. Finkelstein, the mad scientist who resided in his laboratory. Sally was a shy and timid doll, but she had a heart of gold.

One day, Sally found herself drawn towards the Pumpkin King, Jack Skellington. He was the ruler of Halloween Town, and everyone adored him. Sally was smitten with him, but she was too afraid to confess her love for him.

One night, Sally had a nightmare where she saw Jack being captured by Oogie Boogie, the villainous bogeyman. Terrified, Sally decided to take matters into her own hands and rescue Jack from Oogie Boogie’s clutches.

The Point of View of Sally Doll

Sally was a nervous wreck as she made her way towards Oogie Boogie’s lair. She had never been in such a scary place before, and her raggedy heart was pounding with fear. But she knew that she had to save Jack, the love of her life.

  1. Sally felt her knees knocking together as she tiptoed through the dark corridors of Oogie Boogie’s lair. There were cobwebs everywhere, and the air was thick with the stench of decay. She started to regret her decision to come here.
  2. But then she heard Jack’s voice, and her heart leaped with joy. She followed the sound and soon found herself in front of a massive door. She could hear Oogie Boogie’s evil laughter coming from behind it.
  3. Sally took a deep breath and pushed the door open. She was confronted by a gruesome sight – Oogie Boogie had Jack tied up in a giant spider web! Sally’s heart sank, but she knew that she had to be brave and save Jack.
  4. She quickly assessed the situation and came up with a plan. She used her raggedy body to distract Oogie Boogie while she untied Jack. It was a risky move, but it worked!
  5. Together, Sally and Jack defeated Oogie Boogie and escaped from his lair. Sally was overjoyed that she had saved Jack, and he was grateful to her for rescuing him. From that day on, they became the happiest couple in Halloween Town.

And so, the tale of Sally Doll Nightmare Before Christmas comes to an end. Sally may have been a timid and shy doll, but she proved that she was capable of great courage and bravery when it mattered most.

Table Information about Sally Doll Nightmare Before Christmas

Keywords Description
Sally A rag doll created by Dr. Finkelstein in Halloween Town
Jack Skellington The Pumpkin King and ruler of Halloween Town
Oogie Boogie The villainous bogeyman who captures Jack
Love Sally's feelings towards Jack
Courage Sally's bravery in rescuing Jack from Oogie Boogie's lair

Overall, Sally Doll Nightmare Before Christmas is a heartwarming tale of love, courage, and the power of friendship. It teaches us that even the most timid and shy among us can rise up and do great things when we set our minds to it.

Sally Doll Nightmare Before Christmas: A Hauntingly Hilarious Experience

Well, well, well, look who decided to visit my humble blog about the Sally Doll from Nightmare Before Christmas. I hope you had a bone-chilling time reading all about the history and the fascinating facts surrounding this creepy yet lovable doll.

If you're anything like me, you probably have a soft spot for all things spooky and macabre. And the Sally Doll is definitely no exception. With her patchwork dress, stitched-up mouth, and hauntingly beautiful eyes, she's a character that has captured the hearts of many fans across the world.

But let's be real here, folks. As much as we love Sally, there's no denying that she's a bit of a nightmare. Literally. So, before you tuck yourself in for the night, let's go over some of the key takeaways from this bone-chilling blog post.

First and foremost, we learned that Sally is a creation of the infamous Dr. Finkelstein, a mad scientist who has a penchant for creating creepy creatures. And let's not forget that Sally herself is made up of various body parts that were sewn together by the doctor himself. Yikes!

But despite her origins, Sally is actually quite the rebel. She spends most of her time trying to escape from the clutches of her creator and dreaming of a life outside of his laboratory. And who can blame her? I mean, if I were made up of different body parts, I'd want to escape too.

One of the most interesting things we learned about Sally is that she has a unique ability to foresee the future through her dreams. And boy, are those dreams trippy. From falling into a bottomless pit to being chased by a giant spider, Sally's dreams are not for the faint of heart.

But perhaps the most endearing thing about Sally is her love for Jack Skellington, the Pumpkin King himself. Despite his obsession with Christmas and his initial disregard for Halloween, Sally remains loyal to Jack and ultimately helps him save the day.

And let's not forget about that iconic scene where Sally poisons Dr. Finkelstein with deadly nightshade. Talk about girl power! It just goes to show that even in the darkest of times, Sally is a force to be reckoned with.

So, my dear blog visitors, I hope you enjoyed learning all about the hauntingly hilarious world of the Sally Doll from Nightmare Before Christmas. Whether you're a diehard fan or a newcomer to the spooky scene, there's no denying that Sally is a character that will stick with you long after the credits roll.

Until next time, keep it spooky, my friends. And remember, if you ever find yourself in a creepy laboratory with a mad scientist, just channel your inner Sally and poison him with some deadly nightshade. Trust me, it'll be worth it.

People also ask about Sally Doll Nightmare Before Christmas

Who is Sally in Nightmare Before Christmas?

Sally is a rag doll created by Dr. Finkelstein in the movie Nightmare Before Christmas. She has a crush on Jack Skellington and helps him save Christmas.

Is Sally a popular character?

Yes, Sally is a beloved character among fans of Nightmare Before Christmas. Her sweet and caring personality make her a fan favorite.

What is the Sally Doll Nightmare Before Christmas?

The Sally Doll Nightmare Before Christmas is a popular toy replica of Sally from the movie. It is highly sought after by collectors and fans alike.

Where can I buy a Sally Doll Nightmare Before Christmas?

You can find Sally Doll Nightmare Before Christmas at most major retailers or online marketplaces. Just be careful not to accidentally purchase a knockoff version made by Oogie Boogie!

What are some fun facts about Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas?

  • Sally was originally going to have a more evil appearance, but the creators wanted her to be a more sympathetic character.
  • The inspiration for Sally's design came from the classic horror movie The Bride of Frankenstein.
  • In the movie, Sally's mouth is never seen moving. This is because her voice actress, Catherine O'Hara, recorded all of her lines separately.

Can I dress up as Sally for Halloween?

Absolutely! Dressing up as Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas is a popular Halloween costume choice. Just make sure you have plenty of stitches and patches on your outfit!