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Easy and Festive! Learn Rockin Around The Christmas Tree Chords for Your Holiday Celebration

Rockin Around The Christmas Tree Chords

Learn the chords for Rockin Around The Christmas Tree and get ready to rock your holiday party with this classic festive tune!

Rockin Around The Christmas Tree Chords – the perfect way to bring some festive cheer to your holiday season! If you're looking for a song that will get everyone up and dancing, then this classic tune is sure to do the trick. But before we get started on the chords, let's take a trip down memory lane and discover the history behind this beloved Christmas hit.

First recorded by Brenda Lee in 1958, Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree has become a timeless holiday favorite. It's been covered by countless artists over the years, from Cyndi Lauper to Miley Cyrus, and has been featured in numerous Christmas movies and TV shows. But what sets this song apart from other holiday tunes is its upbeat rhythm and catchy lyrics, which make it impossible not to sing along to.

Now, onto the chords! If you're a beginner guitarist, don't worry – this song is fairly simple to play. The intro starts with a quick G chord, followed by a C, D, and back to G. The verse follows the same pattern, with a few additional chords thrown in for good measure. The chorus is where things really start to pick up – you'll need to switch between G, C, D, and E minor to keep up with the tempo.

But don't let the chord changes intimidate you! With a little practice, you'll be rocking around the Christmas tree like a pro in no time. And if you're feeling extra adventurous, try adding in some strumming patterns or fingerpicking to give the song your own unique twist.

One thing to keep in mind when playing this song is the importance of timing. The tempo is fast-paced, so make sure to keep a steady beat and stay on top of the chord changes. And don't forget to have fun – after all, this is a holiday classic that's meant to be enjoyed by all!

Another great thing about Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree is its versatility. Whether you're playing solo or with a group, this song is sure to get everyone in the holiday spirit. And if you're feeling extra festive, try singing along to the lyrics – they're just as fun and upbeat as the melody.

But what if you're not a guitar player? No problem! This song can be played on a variety of instruments, from piano to ukulele. So grab your favorite instrument and start jamming to one of the most iconic Christmas songs of all time.

So there you have it – everything you need to know about playing Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree chords. Whether you're a seasoned musician or just starting out, this song is the perfect addition to your holiday repertoire. So put on your Santa hat, grab your guitar, and let's rock around the Christmas tree!

The Struggle of Learning Rockin Around The Christmas Tree Chords

It's that time of year again when everyone is getting into the holiday spirit and practicing their favorite Christmas songs. However, if you're like me, you may find yourself struggling with one particular tune: Rockin Around The Christmas Tree.

The Simple Yet Tricky Chord Progression

On the surface, Rockin Around The Christmas Tree seems like a simple enough song to play. It has a catchy melody and a straightforward chord progression. But don't be fooled! Once you start playing, you'll quickly realize that mastering this song is no easy feat.

The chord progression for Rockin Around The Christmas Tree goes like this: G - D - G - Em - C - D - G. Seems simple enough, right? Wrong. The tricky part is transitioning smoothly between each chord without losing the rhythm.

The Dreaded Fingering Positions

In addition to the tricky chord progression, the fingering positions for Rockin Around The Christmas Tree can also be a challenge. The song requires you to move your fingers quickly and precisely to hit each note just right.

For example, in the first line of the song, you have to switch from a G chord to a D chord and then back to a G chord all within a few beats. This may not sound too difficult, but once you start playing at full speed, it becomes quite the finger-buster.

The Curse of the Barre Chord

To add insult to injury, Rockin Around The Christmas Tree also includes a dreaded barre chord. If you're unfamiliar with barre chords, they require you to hold down multiple strings with one finger. This can be painful and frustrating, especially if you're just starting out.

In Rockin Around The Christmas Tree, the barre chord comes in during the chorus when you have to play an F#m chord. This chord requires you to barre across the second fret with your index finger and then hold down three other strings with your remaining fingers. It's not for the faint of heart.

The Importance of Practice

All these challenges may seem daunting, but don't give up hope just yet. With enough practice and dedication, you can master Rockin Around The Christmas Tree and impress all your friends and family.

Start by practicing each chord individually and then work on transitioning between them smoothly. Take your time and don't rush yourself. It's better to play slowly and accurately than to speed through the song and make mistakes.

Helpful Tips and Tricks

If you're still struggling with Rockin Around The Christmas Tree, here are a few helpful tips and tricks to keep in mind:

  • Practice with a metronome to stay on beat
  • Break the song down into smaller sections and practice each one separately
  • Use the proper finger positioning for each chord to ensure accuracy and ease of playing
  • Don't be afraid to take breaks and come back to the song later if you're feeling frustrated

The Reward of Rockin Around The Christmas Tree

Finally, remember that all your hard work will pay off in the end. There's nothing quite like the feeling of nailing a difficult song and impressing your audience. So keep practicing, stay determined, and soon enough you'll be rockin around the Christmas tree like a pro!

In Conclusion

Learning to play Rockin Around The Christmas Tree chords may seem like a daunting task at first, but with enough practice and dedication, you can master this classic holiday tune. Remember to take your time, focus on accuracy, and don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Who knows, you may even find yourself enjoying the process and discovering a newfound love for playing the guitar!

Rockin Around The Christmas Tree Chords

Oh, Christmas tree, oh, Christmas tree, let's learn some chords that are fancy and free! It's time to dust off that guitar and get ready to rock around the Christmas tree. Grab a cup of hot cocoa and settle in because we're about to get rockin'! Who needs mistletoe when you've got some sick guitar chords? Get your fingerpicking ready because these chords are gonna make you sound like a pro.

Tired of the same old boring Christmas carols?

Spice it up with some groovy rock chords. You better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout because these chords will make you fly. Rockin' around the Christmas tree? More like shredding around the Christmas tree with these chords. Even Santa himself will be nodding his head to the sick sounds of these chords. The only thing better than unwrapping presents on Christmas morning is unwrapping the gift of perfect guitar skills with these chords.

So, what are these magical chords, you ask? Let's break it down.

The Intro Chord

We'll start with the intro chord, which is an A major. It's a simple chord that sets the tone for the rest of the song. Just place your index finger on the second fret of the fourth string, your middle finger on the second fret of the third string, and your ring finger on the second fret of the second string. Strum all the strings and voila! You've got yourself a rockin' intro.

The Verse Chords

Now, onto the verse chords. We'll be using three different chords for the verses: D major, A major, and E major. These chords may seem daunting at first, but with a little bit of practice, you'll be playing them like a pro.

To play a D major chord, place your index finger on the second fret of the third string, your middle finger on the second fret of the first string, and your ring finger on the third fret of the second string. Strum all the strings and you've got yourself a D major chord.

For the A major chord, we've already learned it in the intro. Just repeat the same finger placement and strum away.

Finally, for the E major chord, place your index finger on the first fret of the third string, your middle finger on the second fret of the fifth string, and your ring finger on the second fret of the fourth string. Strum all the strings and you're good to go.

The Chorus Chords

Last but not least, we have the chorus chords. These chords are the heart and soul of the song and will have everyone singing along. The chords we'll be using for the chorus are A major, D major, and E major. Sound familiar? That's because we've already learned these chords for the intro and verse.

To play the chorus, simply alternate between the A major, D major, and E major chords. Strum each chord four times and you've got yourself a catchy chorus that'll have everyone dancing around the Christmas tree.


So there you have it, folks. The rockin' around the Christmas tree chords that will take your holiday playing to the next level. With a little bit of practice, you'll be shredding around the Christmas tree in no time. So grab that guitar, pour yourself a cup of hot cocoa, and get ready to rock. Who needs Silent Night when you've got these sick chords?

Rockin Around The Christmas Tree Chords

The Story of Rockin Around The Christmas Tree Chords

Once upon a time in the 1950s, a songwriter by the name of Johnny Marks wrote a catchy tune called Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree. It quickly became a holiday classic and has been played at countless Christmas parties and events ever since. But what really makes this song so special are the chords that accompany it. Let's dive into the story of those chords!

The Chords

The chords for Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree are fairly simple - just four chords in total: G, D, C, and Em. However, it's the way they're strung together that really gives the song its upbeat, festive feel.

  • G - This is the first chord of the song and sets the tone for the rest of the tune. It's a happy, major chord that makes you want to dance.
  • D - The second chord in the sequence, this one adds a bit of depth to the melody. It's also a major chord, but it has a slightly more serious tone than the G chord.
  • C - This is the third chord of the song and brings a bit of tension to the melody. It's a minor chord, which makes it sound a bit sad or serious, but it also adds a nice contrast to the happy tones of the G and D chords.
  • Em - The final chord in the sequence, this one brings everything back to a happy, upbeat tone. It's another major chord, but it has a slightly different feel than the G chord due to its placement at the end of the sequence.

A Humorous Point of View

Now, let's take a lighthearted look at these chords. Honestly, who knew that four simple chords could bring so much joy to so many people? It's almost as if they have some sort of magical power that makes everyone want to sing and dance along!

My theory is that the G chord is like a warm hug from a loved one - comforting and joyful. The D chord is like a good belly laugh - it adds depth and humor to the mix. The C chord is like a bittersweet memory - it reminds us that life isn't always sunshine and rainbows, but that's okay. And the Em chord is like a burst of confetti - it brings everything back to a happy, celebratory mood.

So next time you hear Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree, take a moment to appreciate those four little chords that bring so much joy. And maybe, just maybe, give them a little nod of thanks for all the memories they've helped create over the years.


  • Rockin Around The Christmas Tree Chords
  • Johnny Marks
  • G
  • D
  • C
  • Em
  • Humorous
  • Festive
  • Holiday Classic

The End of the Rockin Around The Christmas Tree Chords Adventure

Well, folks, we've reached the end of our journey together. It's been a wild ride, full of ups and downs, but we made it through. We've learned about the history of Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree, the meaning behind the lyrics, and most importantly, how to play it on the guitar.

But before we say our final goodbyes, let's take a moment to reflect on what we've accomplished. We've unlocked the secret to this classic holiday tune and can now impress our friends and family with our musical talents. We've also discovered that playing the guitar is not as hard as we once thought, especially when you have the right chords.

So, if you're feeling confident and ready to show off your skills, grab your guitar and play Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree for all to hear. Whether you're gathered around the Christmas tree or at a holiday party, this song is sure to get everyone in the festive spirit.

Now, as we wrap up our time together, I want to thank you for joining me on this journey. Your dedication and enthusiasm have made this experience truly special. And who knows, maybe we'll cross paths again someday, on another musical adventure.

Until then, keep playing those chords, keep spreading joy and cheer through music, and most importantly, keep rockin' around the Christmas tree!

As we say goodbye, I'll leave you with this quote from Buddy the Elf: The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear. So, let's do just that. Let's spread some cheer and joy this holiday season with our newfound guitar skills. Happy holidays, everyone!

People also ask about Rockin Around The Christmas Tree Chords

What are the chords for Rockin Around The Christmas Tree?

The chords for Rockin Around The Christmas Tree are:

  • G
  • D
  • Em
  • C
  • B7

These chords are easy to play even if you're not a guitar pro! So, strum away and enjoy the festive season!

Is Rockin Around The Christmas Tree in the key of G?

Yes, Rockin Around The Christmas Tree is in the key of G. So, grab your guitar and start playing!

Can I play Rockin Around The Christmas Tree with only three chords?

Well, technically speaking, you can play any song with just three chords. But, if you want to play Rockin Around The Christmas Tree, you'll need to know the chords G, D, and C. So, don't be lazy and learn those chords!

So, there you have it, folks!

Now that you know the chords for Rockin Around The Christmas Tree, you can impress your friends and family with your musical skills this holiday season (or make them cringe, depending on how good you are). Happy strumming!