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Sisters White Christmas Lyrics: The Festive Tune of Sibling Harmony

Sisters White Christmas Lyrics

Get in the holiday spirit with Sisters White Christmas lyrics. Sing along with the classic tune and enjoy the most wonderful time of the year!

Let's talk about one of the most iconic Christmas songs of all time - Sisters from the classic movie White Christmas. You know the one - Sisters, sisters, there were never such devoted sisters... It's a tune that's been stuck in our heads for decades, and for good reason. Not only is it catchy, but it's also a hilarious ode to sisterhood that has stood the test of time. So, let's dive into the lyrics and explore why this song continues to be a holiday favorite.

Firstly, let's take a moment to appreciate the opening lines: Sisters, sisters, there were never such devoted sisters. Never had to have a chaperone, no sir. I'm there to keep my eye on her. The use of the word never twice in the same sentence creates a sense of emphasis and urgency, drawing the listener's attention to the bond between these two sisters. And the idea of not needing a chaperone? Hilarious. These sisters are so close, they don't even need anyone else around.

As the song continues, the lyrics become increasingly humorous. All kinds of weather, we stick together, the same in the rain or sun. The use of the phrase all kinds of weather is a clever play on words, as it refers both to actual weather conditions and the ups and downs of life. And of course, the idea of two people being the same in the rain or sun is just plain funny.

But perhaps the most memorable part of the song is the call-and-response section: Sisters, sisters / There were never such devoted sisters / Caring, sharing / Every little thing that we are wearing. The repetition of the word sisters creates a sense of unity, while the rhyming of sharing and wearing adds a playful touch. And who can forget the way Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye ham it up during this part of the song in the movie?

As we move towards the end of the song, the lyrics take on a more sentimental tone. Lord help the mister who comes between me and my sister / And Lord help the sister who comes between me and my man. The use of the phrase Lord help creates a sense of desperation, highlighting the importance of these relationships to the sisters. And the idea of someone coming between them? Unthinkable.

In conclusion, the lyrics to Sisters from White Christmas are a perfect blend of humor and heart. They celebrate the bond between sisters in a way that is both relatable and entertaining, making the song a holiday classic that we will all continue to sing for years to come.

The Sisters and their White Christmas Lyrics

It's the most wonderful time of the year! And what better way to celebrate than with some classic Christmas tunes? One of the all-time favorites has got to be White Christmas by Irving Berlin. But let's face it, the song wouldn't be nearly as memorable without the infamous Sisters verse. You know the one, where Bing Crosby's character reminisces about a sister act he saw years ago. Well, let's take a closer look at those lyrics, shall we?

The Opening Line

Sisters, sisters, there were never such devoted sisters. Okay, let's just stop right there. Is it just me or does that line make you want to roll your eyes so far back in your head they get stuck? I mean, come on, who talks like that? If my sister and I ever referred to each other as devoted sisters we'd probably burst out laughing and never speak again.

Verse Two

All kinds of weather, we stick together, the same in the rain or sun. Now, this one I can relate to. My sister and I have been through everything together. From snowstorms to hurricanes, we've weathered it all side by side. But let's be real, if it's pouring rain outside and my sister suggests we go for a walk, I'm definitely going to say no.

The Third Line

Two different faces but in tight places, we think and we act as one. Okay, I get it, they're sisters. But can we just take a minute to appreciate how creepy that line is? Two different faces in tight places? Sounds like the opening scene of a horror movie if you ask me.

Verse Three

Lord help the mister who comes between me and my sister, and Lord help the sister who comes between me and my man. Now, I know this is supposed to be a playful jab at Bing Crosby's character, but it's a little concerning, isn't it? Like, what exactly are these sisters going to do to anyone who gets in their way?

The Final Line

Sisters, sisters, there were never such devoted sisters. And we're back to the eye-rolling line that started it all. I have to admit though, after singing the song a few times, that line does start to grow on you. Maybe it's the catchy melody or the fact that it's just so darn festive.

In Conclusion

Despite my sarcastic commentary, I have to admit that Sisters is one of my favorite parts of White Christmas. There's something about the way Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye perform it that just makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Plus, it's always fun to belt out those lyrics with your own sister (or brother, or friend, or anyone really). So, this holiday season, let's embrace the cheesiness of Sisters and sing it loud and proud!

The Sisters White Christmas Lyrics: A Tribute to Sisterhood

When it comes to the holiday season, there's nothing quite like a good Christmas tune to get you in the spirit. And if you're looking for a song that celebrates the bond between sisters, look no further than the classic hit Sisters from the movie White Christmas.

But beyond the catchy melody and upbeat tempo, this song speaks to the heart of sisterhood and all the quirks that come with it. From bathroom wars to tinsel debates, here are just a few reasons why sisters are the best (and sometimes the worst) during the holidays.

Why Sisters Should Never Share a Bathroom

Let's face it, sharing a bathroom with anyone can be a challenge. But when you're forced to share with your sister, things can get downright savage. Toothpaste tubes squeezed from the middle, hair all over the sink, and a constant battle for mirror time - it's enough to make even the most patient person lose their cool. So, if you want to keep the peace this Christmas, it might be best to stake out your own bathroom territory.

The Real Reason Sisters Love Christmas

Sure, there are plenty of things to love about the holiday season. But for sisters, the real magic lies in the opportunity to break out the matching ugly sweaters. Whether it's a festive reindeer print or a classic Fair Isle pattern, these outfits are the ultimate symbol of sisterly solidarity. Plus, they make for some pretty epic family photos.

The Secret Language of Sisters

Have you ever had a conversation with your sister that left everyone else in the room completely confused? That's because sisters have their own secret language, complete with inside jokes, raised eyebrows, and subtle nods. It's a language that only they can understand, and it's one of the many things that makes sisterhood so special.

Why You Should Always Let Your Sister Win

As much as sisters love each other, they're also incredibly competitive. Whether it's a game of Monopoly or an argument about who's the favorite child, sisters will stop at nothing to come out on top. But sometimes, it's just easier to let your sister have the win. After all, is it really worth getting into a heated argument over who gets the last slice of pumpkin pie?

The Dos and Don'ts of Sharing a Bed with Your Sister

When it comes to sharing a bed with your sister, there are a few rules you should follow. Do: respect each other's space, communicate if something is bothering you, and take turns choosing which side of the bed to sleep on. Don't: steal the blankets, hog the pillows, or accidentally kick each other in the middle of the night. Follow these guidelines, and you might just survive the night without any sibling squabbles.

The Great Sisterly Debate: Tinsel or No Tinsel?

Every family has their own traditions when it comes to decorating the Christmas tree. But for sisters, there's one debate that seems to never end: tinsel or no tinsel? Some sisters swear by the sparkling strands, while others believe they're a tacky relic from the past. Whatever your stance, be prepared for some serious sisterly bickering if someone tries to sneak a tinsel garland onto the tree.

Why Sisters Make the Best Secret Santa Partners

When it comes to picking out the perfect gift for someone, sisters have a sixth sense for knowing exactly what you'll love. Whether it's a cozy sweater, a new book, or a box of your favorite chocolates, they always seem to hit the nail on the head. Plus, they're great at keeping secrets (unless they're the kind of sister who likes to spoil surprises).

The Great Sisterly Showdown: Elf on the Shelf Edition

Elf on the Shelf has become a holiday tradition in many households. But for sisters, it's also an opportunity for some serious competition. Who can come up with the most creative hiding spot? Who can make their elf do the funniest pose? It's a showdown that's sure to bring out the mischievous side of sisterhood.

The Art of Sisterly Forgiveness

Let's face it, sisters can be tough on each other. From snarky comments to full-blown arguments, there are plenty of opportunities for hurt feelings. But at the end of the day, forgiveness is key. Because no matter what happens, sisters will always be there for each other when it counts.

Why Sisters Will Always Be Each Other's Best Friends (Even When They're Driving Each Other Crazy)

Through all the ups and downs of life, sisters will always have each other's backs. They'll laugh together, cry together, and drive each other absolutely insane. But at the end of the day, there's no bond stronger than the one between sisters. So this Christmas, give your sister a hug and tell her how much she means to you. Because no matter what, she'll always be your partner in crime.

The Hilarious Tale of Sisters White Christmas Lyrics

The Story Behind the Song

It was a cold winter evening and the snow was falling gently outside. The two sisters, Betty and Judy, were sitting by the fireplace, sipping hot cocoa and enjoying the warmth of the fire. Suddenly, Judy jumped up and exclaimed, I have an idea! Let's write a Christmas song! Betty looked at her skeptically and replied, But we don't know anything about music.

Undeterred, Judy grabbed a pen and paper and started scribbling down some lyrics. Betty rolled her eyes and took a sip of her cocoa. After a few minutes, Judy proudly announced, It's done! Listen to this: 'Sisters, sisters, there were never such devoted sisters…' Betty looked at her in confusion, What does that even mean?

Judy just shrugged and said, I don't know, it sounds catchy though! And with that, the two sisters began singing their new song, Sisters White Christmas Lyrics. Little did they know, their silly tune would become a holiday classic.

The Point of View in the Song

As you listen to Sisters White Christmas Lyrics, you can't help but feel the playful and humorous tone of the song. The lyrics speak to the bond between sisters and the joy of spending time together during the holidays.


  • White Christmas
  • Sisters
  • Lyrics
  • Holiday
  • Bond

The Legacy of the Song

Decades after it was written, Sisters White Christmas Lyrics continues to be a beloved holiday tune. It has been covered by numerous artists and has even been featured in popular movies and TV shows. But perhaps the most enduring legacy of the song is the joy it brings to families and friends as they gather together during the holidays.

So, gather your own sisters (or brothers or friends) this holiday season and sing along to the catchy lyrics of Sisters White Christmas Lyrics. Who knows, maybe you'll create a classic of your own!

Oh, the weather outside is frightful, but Sisters White Christmas Lyrics are so delightful!

Well, well, well, it's time to say goodbye, dear readers. But before we part ways, let's have a quick recap of what we've discussed so far. We talked about the iconic song Sisters from the classic film White Christmas. We dissected the lyrics and found out that it's not just a catchy tune but also a hilarious banter between two sisters.

We also learned that the song's origin can be traced back to Irving Berlin, the genius behind many holiday classics. We discovered that the original version of Sisters was quite different from what we know today, and it even had a different title.

But let's not dwell on the past and focus on the present. The present being this article, and the present being the holiday season. And what better way to celebrate the holidays than by singing along with the Sisters White Christmas Lyrics?

Whether you're alone at home or surrounded by loved ones, the Sisters White Christmas Lyrics are guaranteed to bring a smile to your face. You can sing it as a duet with your sibling or friend, or you can do a solo performance that will leave everyone in stitches.

Just remember to enunciate the words clearly, especially when you get to the Lord help the mister who comes between me and my sister part. And don't forget to add some sass to your delivery, like the way Rosemary Clooney and Vera-Ellen did in the movie.

Now, if you're feeling adventurous, you can even modify the lyrics to fit your situation. For example, instead of sisters, you can replace it with brothers or cousins or pets (although that might be a stretch). Or you can change the location to match where you live, like down in Texas, we're dressing up in cowboy hats.

But whatever you do, make sure you have fun with it. Singing is a great way to relieve stress and spread joy, and the holiday season can always use more of that.

Before I go, I want to leave you with this thought: the Sisters White Christmas Lyrics may be over 60 years old, but they're still relevant today. After all, sibling rivalry and playful teasing never go out of style. So, embrace the song's timeless appeal and sing it loud and proud.

That's all for now, folks. I hope you enjoyed reading this article as much as I enjoyed writing it. And I hope you have a wonderful holiday season filled with love, laughter, and lots of singing!

People Also Ask About Sisters White Christmas Lyrics

What are the lyrics to Sisters from White Christmas?

The lyrics to Sisters from White Christmas are:
- Sisters, sisters
- There were never such devoted sisters
- Never had to have a chaperone, no sir
- I'm there to keep my eye on her
- Caring, sharing
- Every little thing that we are wearing
- When a certain gentleman arrived from Rome
- She wore the dress, and I stayed home
- All kinds of weather, we stick together
- The same in the rain and sun
- Two different faces, but in tight places
- We think and we act as one
- Those who've seen us
- Know that not a thing could come between us
- Many men have tried to split us up but no one can
- Lord help the mister who comes between me and my sister
- And Lord help the sister who comes between me and my man

Who wrote the song Sisters from White Christmas?

The song Sisters from White Christmas was written by Irving Berlin.

What is the meaning behind Sisters from White Christmas?

Sisters from White Christmas is a humorous song about the bond between sisters. It highlights the idea that sisters are always there for each other, through thick and thin, and that no man can come between them. The song also pokes fun at the idea of sibling rivalry by suggesting that the two sisters are so close that they even share their clothes.

What other songs are in White Christmas?

Besides Sisters, some of the other songs in White Christmas include:
- White Christmas
- The Best Things Happen While You're Dancing
- Snow
- Count Your Blessings Instead of Sheep
- Love, You Didn't Do Right by Me
- What Can You Do with a General?
- Gee, I Wish I Was Back in the Army
- Choreography
- Mandy
- Let Me Sing and I'm Happy

In conclusion, Sisters from White Christmas is a catchy and humorous song that celebrates the bond between sisters. It was written by Irving Berlin and is just one of many great songs in the White Christmas soundtrack.