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The Ultimate Guide to Christmas Shoes Lyrics: Heartfelt Words to Inspire Your Holiday Spirit

Christmas Shoes Lyrics

Christmas Shoes Lyrics are about a boy's heartwarming journey to buy his dying mother a pair of shoes, touching millions with its emotional tale.

It's that time of year again, folks! The most wonderful time of the year, or so they say. And what better way to kick off the holiday season than with a good ol' Christmas tune? But not just any tune, no no. I'm talking about the infamous Christmas Shoes song. You know the one - it's the tear-jerking ballad that tells the story of a little boy trying to buy a pair of shoes for his dying mother on Christmas Eve. Now, before you roll your eyes and click away, hear me out. Sure, the lyrics may be a bit cheesy and over-the-top, but there's something undeniably captivating about this song. So let's dive in and break it down, shall we?

First things first, let's talk about the opening lines. It was almost Christmas time, there I stood in another line / Trying to buy that last gift or two, not really in the Christmas mood. Can I get an amen? Who hasn't been in this exact situation before? Standing in a crowded store, stressed out and overwhelmed, desperately searching for that perfect gift. It's a relatable feeling that instantly hooks the listener and draws them into the story.

Next up, we have the introduction of the little boy. I stood there, quietly humming to myself / Silent Night, holy night. Okay, pause. This kid is standing in line at a store on Christmas Eve and he's just calmly humming a carol to himself? Either he's a saint or he's secretly plotting to steal all the presents. But I digress. The point is, the imagery here is powerful. We can picture this little boy standing there, lost in his own thoughts, as the chaos of the holiday season swirls around him.

Now, let's get to the real meat of the song - the titular Christmas shoes. Sir, I want to buy these shoes for my Mama, please / It's Christmas Eve and these shoes are just her size. Cue the waterworks. This is where the song takes a turn from mildly depressing to full-on heart-wrenching. The innocence and sincerity in the little boy's voice is enough to make even the Grinch himself shed a tear.

As the song goes on, we learn more about the boy's mother and her dire situation. She's been sick for quite a while / And I know these shoes would make her smile. Suddenly, the shoes aren't just a last-minute gift idea - they're a beacon of hope and comfort for a woman who may not have much time left. It's a reminder that sometimes, the smallest gestures can mean the most.

Of course, no tear-jerker song would be complete without a dramatic chorus. I want her to look beautiful if Mama meets Jesus tonight. Cue the sobbing. It's a powerful line that encapsulates the entire message of the song - that in the face of tragedy and loss, all we can do is try to make our loved ones feel cherished and special.

One of the most interesting things about Christmas Shoes is its polarizing effect on listeners. Some people love it and consider it a classic, while others find it cheesy and overly sentimental. But regardless of which camp you fall into, there's no denying the impact that this song has had on pop culture. It's been covered by countless artists, parodied on TV shows and movies, and even inspired its own made-for-TV movie (starring none other than Rob Lowe, of course).

In conclusion, Christmas Shoes may not be everyone's cup of eggnog, but it's certainly a song that has stood the test of time. Whether you love it or hate it, there's no denying its ability to tug at the heartstrings and remind us of the true meaning of the holiday season. So go ahead, give it a listen - just make sure you have a box of tissues handy.


Christmas is a time of joy, festivities, and traditions. One of the most popular Christmas traditions is listening to Christmas songs. Amongst these songs, one particular song stands out- The Christmas Shoes. This song tells the story of a young boy trying to buy a pair of shoes for his dying mother. While it may seem like a touching and emotional song, the lyrics are anything but that. In this article, we will take a humorous look at the lyrics of The Christmas Shoes.

The First Verse

The song begins with the first verse, where the narrator describes his encounter with a little boy at a store. The boy is trying to buy shoes for his mother, who is dying. The narrator then goes on to describe the boy's appearance, saying he looked like he'd been through hell. Now, I don't know about you, but if I saw a child who looked like he had been through hell, my first instinct would be to call the authorities, not sing a song about it.

The Awkward Conversation

The narrator then strikes up a conversation with the boy, asking him why he needs the shoes. The boy proceeds to tell him about his mother's impending death and how she wants to look beautiful when she meets Jesus. Cue the awkward silence. What do you say to a child who just told you his mother is dying? Do you pat him on the back and say, there, there, everything will be alright? No, you sing him a song about the shoes he's buying.

The Chorus

The chorus is where the song gets really cringe-worthy. It goes like this: Sir, I

The Christmas Shoes: A Masterclass in Emotional Manipulation

A Magic Pair of Shoes? Sign me up!

Most Christmas songs are filled with joy and cheer, but the same cannot be said for The Christmas Shoes by Newsong. This song is a masterclass in emotional manipulation, using every trick in the book to make you feel sad and guilty. The premise of the song is simple: a young boy wants to buy a pair of shoes for his dying mother, so she can look beautiful when she meets Jesus. But as the lyrics unfold, you realize that this is not just a heartwarming tale of generosity - it's a cautionary tale about the dangers of holiday gift-giving.

The Heartwarming Story of a Boy and his eBay Account

The song starts innocently enough, with the boy standing in line at the store, waiting to buy the shoes. But then we learn that he only has $1.37, and the shoes cost $84. That's when he remembers his mother's eBay account, and decides to sell her old raggedy shoes to make up the difference. It's a touching moment, but also kind of weird. Who lets their kid sell their shoes on eBay? And who buys used shoes on eBay?

Why Santa Claus is Considered a Minor Deity in this Song

As the boy races home to get the shoes, he spots a man who looks like Santa Claus. He asks Santa if he can help his mom, but Santa just nods and disappears. It's a strange moment, because Santa Claus is not usually invoked as a minor deity in Christmas music. But in this song, he seems to have some kind of magical powers, or at least the ability to disappear into thin air.

How to Make a Grown Man Cry in 4 Minutes or Less

The most emotionally manipulative part of the song comes when the boy finally gets the shoes and rushes to the hospital to give them to his mom. As he watches her take her last breath, he asks if she's going to meet Jesus tonight. Then he slips the shoes on her feet, and says I know these shoes would make her smile. It's a heart-wrenching moment, designed to make you cry like a baby. And it works. Even the toughest of men have been known to shed a tear during this song.

Why We Don't Let Grandpa Pick the Christmas Music Anymore

The Christmas Shoes is the kind of song that your grandparents love to play on repeat, while the rest of the family cringes in the corner. It's not that we don't appreciate the sentiment behind the song - it's just that it's so damn depressing. If you want to ruin a holiday party, just put on The Christmas Shoes and watch as everyone starts sobbing uncontrollably.

The Most Emotionally Manipulative Song Since Cat's in the Cradle

If you thought Cat's in the Cradle was bad, then you haven't heard The Christmas Shoes. This song takes emotional manipulation to a whole new level, with its saccharine lyrics and cheesy melody. It's the kind of song that makes you want to roll your eyes and groan, but also secretly sing along.

The Dark Side of Holiday Gift Giving: A Cautionary Tale

At its core, The Christmas Shoes is a cautionary tale about the dark side of holiday gift-giving. The boy in the song wants to do something nice for his mom, but he ends up putting himself and his family through a lot of stress and grief. He lies, he steals, and he manipulates everyone around him to get what he wants. And in the end, he still can't save his mother. It's a sobering reminder that sometimes, the best gift you can give is your time and your love, not an expensive pair of shoes.

The Christmas Shoes: Proof that Time Travel is Real

One of the weirdest things about The Christmas Shoes is that it sounds like it was recorded in the 80s, but it actually came out in 2000. The production is cheesy, the vocals are over-the-top, and the whole thing feels like a relic from a bygone era. It's almost like the song was transported through time from the Reagan era, and we're all just hearing it for the first time now.

Why This Song Should Come with a Box of Tissues

If you're going to listen to The Christmas Shoes, you should probably have a box of tissues handy. This song is like an emotional rollercoaster, taking you from sadness to hope to despair and back again. It's the kind of song that makes you want to hug your loved ones and tell them how much you appreciate them. But it's also the kind of song that makes you want to curl up in a ball and cry.

A Masterclass in Guilt-Tripping your Parents into Buying You Expensive Footwear

Finally, if you're a kid who wants a pair of expensive shoes for Christmas, you should take notes from The Christmas Shoes. This song is a masterclass in guilt-tripping your parents into buying you whatever you want. Just tell them it's for someone who's dying, and they'll probably cave in. Of course, you'll have to sell your mom's old shoes on eBay first, but that's a small price to pay for a new pair of kicks.

The Hilarious Story of Christmas Shoes Lyrics

The Background

It's that time of the year again when the air is filled with love, lights, and laughter. Christmas is the season of joy, and it's also the time when we sing our hearts out to our favorite Christmas tunes. One of the most popular Christmas songs that have become a staple in every playlist is Christmas Shoes by NewSong.

The Plot

The song tells the story of a little boy who wants to buy a pair of shoes for his dying mother so that she can look beautiful when she meets Jesus. In the end, the narrator pays for the shoes and realizes that the little boy was an angel sent to teach him the true meaning of Christmas.

The Point of View

Now, let's take a closer look at the point of view of the song. The narrator is the protagonist, and he tells the story in the first person. He's the one who encounters the little boy and witnesses his selfless act of kindness. However, what's interesting about the song is that it's not entirely clear whether the narrator is a reliable source of information or not.

Point 1: The Shoes

Firstly, let's talk about the shoes. The little boy describes them as pretty and not much. However, when the narrator goes to the store to buy them, he finds out that they're actually quite expensive. This makes us wonder if the little boy was lying or just didn't know the value of money.

Point 2: The Mother

Secondly, the mother is described as being on her deathbed, but we never find out what's wrong with her. This could be because the narrator doesn't know or understand the medical jargon, or it could be because the mother's illness is irrelevant to the story.

Point 3: The Angel

Lastly, the little boy is described as an angel. This could be a metaphorical way of saying that he was a messenger of God, or it could be taken literally. Either way, it's clear that the little boy had a significant impact on the narrator's life and taught him a valuable lesson about compassion and generosity.

The Humorous Twist

Despite the serious and heartwarming message of the song, there's no denying that the lyrics are a little bit cheesy. The idea of a little boy wanting to buy his dying mother a pair of shoes so that she'll look pretty in heaven is a bit over-the-top. But that's what makes the song so hilarious!

So, if you're looking for a good laugh this Christmas, make sure to add Christmas Shoes to your playlist. Who knows? Maybe you'll even learn a thing or two about the true meaning of the holiday season!


  • Christmas Shoes
  • NewSong
  • Christmas
  • Song
  • Point of view
  • Humorous
  • Angel
  • Mother
  • Reliable
  • Compassion
  • Generosity

So, What Have We Learned About Christmas Shoes?

Well, well, well. It seems like we've come to the end of our journey together. We've talked about the lyrics, dissected them, analyzed them, and made fun of them. Let's take a moment to reflect on what we've learned.

First of all, we've learned that the story behind Christmas Shoes is incredibly sad. I mean, seriously, who writes a song about a kid buying shoes for his dying mother? That's just cruel. And yet, somehow, it became a hit. People love to be sad, I guess.

We've also learned that the lyrics are...not great. In fact, they're downright cheesy. From the opening line (It was almost Christmas time) to the closing plea (Sir, I want to buy these shoes for my mama please), there's not a single moment that doesn't make you cringe a little bit.

But you know what? That's okay. Sometimes we need a little cheese in our lives. It makes us appreciate the truly great things that much more. And who knows, maybe Christmas Shoes will become a classic someday. (I highly doubt it, but stranger things have happened.)

Now, if you're still reading this, you're probably wondering why I haven't mentioned the most important part of the song: the shoes themselves. After all, they are the reason for the season, right?

Well, here's the thing. The shoes are fine. They're nothing special. They're not made of gold or encrusted with diamonds or anything like that. They're And yet, for some reason, they're the focus of the entire song.

Maybe it's because shoes are something we all need. They're practical. They keep our feet warm and dry. And yet, they're also a luxury for some people. Not everyone can afford to buy new shoes whenever they want. So, in a way, the shoes represent both the mundane and the miraculous.

Or maybe I'm reading too much into it. Who knows?

Anyway, I hope you've enjoyed this little journey through the world of Christmas Shoes lyrics. It's been a wild ride, but we made it through together. And who knows, maybe someday we'll look back on this moment and laugh (or cry) at how much we cared about a song that's not even that good.

Until then, I wish you a very merry Christmas, with or without shoes.

People Also Ask About Christmas Shoes Lyrics

What is the song Christmas Shoes about?

The song Christmas Shoes is about a young boy who is buying a pair of shoes for his terminally ill mother as a Christmas gift. He wants her to look beautiful when she meets Jesus in heaven.

Who wrote the song Christmas Shoes?

The song Christmas Shoes was written by Eddie Carswell and Leonard Ahlstrom, and was first recorded by the Christian band NewSong in 2000.

Who sang the most popular version of Christmas Shoes?

The most popular version of Christmas Shoes was recorded by country singer and actor, Brad Paisley.

Is Christmas Shoes a sad song?

Yes, Christmas Shoes is a very sad song. It can bring tears to your eyes, especially if you have experienced the loss of a loved one.

Can I listen to Christmas Shoes without crying?

Well, that depends on how emotional you are. But let's be honest, it's hard not to shed a tear when you hear the heart-wrenching lyrics and melody of Christmas Shoes.

Why do people like Christmas Shoes?

People like Christmas Shoes because it captures the true spirit of Christmas - love, compassion, and selflessness. It reminds us to cherish our loved ones and to be kind to others, especially those who are less fortunate.

What is the message of Christmas Shoes?

The message of Christmas Shoes is that the greatest gift we can give to others is love, and that even the smallest acts of kindness can make a big difference in someone's life. It also teaches us to appreciate the time we have with our loved ones, as life is precious and fleeting.

Is it okay to play Christmas Shoes during the holidays?

Of course! Christmas Shoes is a beautiful song that perfectly captures the meaning of Christmas. Just be prepared to shed a tear or two.